A Pastoral Welcome from Rev. Joe Livingston M.Div, Pastor


Hello Dear One,

Welcome to Metropolitan Community Church of Windsor. I am so very happy you have found us. We would love to have you join us. Please know that you, as you are, are more than welcome, here you celebrated, just for being you, after all that is how God loves us and what Jesus commands of us. Here, we love God, our Divine Creator, who created us in Their image and we love our neighbor, our fellow human being, our community, as we love ourselves. Community is our middle name for a reason.

Please feel free to join us, as you are, in the Grace Chapel of Emmanuel United Church, 1728 Lincoln Road, Windsor, Ontario, Canada – every Sunday afternoon at 2:00 PM Eastern.

If unable to make it in person, You can still join us on our YouTube channel, where we post brief “Virtual Worship Services” every Sunday.

Your financial support is always graciously welcome and accepted. You can use Interac® Email Transfer to make donations to MCC Windsor, by setting up a transfer to donations@mccwindsor.org. You can also use Canada Helps to make a one-time donation or to set up a recurring donation. Either way we thank you for financial support.

I hope we will have the pleasure of meeting you soon. Take care until then and know you are loved, as you are.

Be blessed,

Rev. Joseph Livingston M.Div.